- fluorescent light
- Edmund Germer
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
fluorescent light — UK US noun [countable] [singular fluorescent light plural fluorescent lights] physics a very bright light that consists of a long glass tube containing fluorescent gas Thesaurus: types of electric light … Useful english dictionary
fluorescent light — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms fluorescent light : singular fluorescent light plural fluorescent lights physics a very bright light that consists of a long glass tube containing fluorescent gas … English dictionary
fluorescent light — a fluorescent light produces light when electricity is passed through a gas filled tube … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fluorescent light — fluorescencinis švytėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fluorescent light vok. Fluoreszenzlicht, n rus. флуоресцентное свечение, n pranc. lumière fluorescente, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
fluorescent light — fluo rescent ,light noun count a very bright light that consists of a long glass tube containing fluorescent gas … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fluorescent light — /flʊəˈrɛsənt ˈlaɪt/ (say floouh resuhnt luyt) noun a light which relies on a fluorescent tube as the light source …
fluorescent light — glass tube coated on the inside with a fluorescent substance that gives off light … English contemporary dictionary
fluorescent light — (floo o res ent) The light emitted by a substance when it is irradiated with light of a shorter wavelength … Dictionary of microbiology
Fluorescent Light — The conversion of electric power to visible light by using an electric charge to excite gaseous atoms in a glass tube. These atoms emit ultraviolet radiation that is absorbed by a phosphor coating on the walls of the lamp tube. The phosphor… … Energy terms
Fluorescent Light — VP A tubular mercury vapour light that use a ballast to regulate the flow of power. These are used in professional film productions … Audio and video glossary
Fluorescent light bulbs — These are usually long, narrow, white tubes made of glass coated on the inside with fluorescent material, which is connected to a fixture at both ends of the light bulb; some are circular tubes. The light bulb produces light by passing… … Energy terms