- music synthesizer
- Robert A Moog
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
music synthesizer — noun (computing) An output device generating sounds similar to musical notes in response to digital signals • • • Main Entry: ↑music … Useful english dictionary
music synthesizer — muzikos sintezatorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. music synthesizer vok. Musiksynthesator, m rus. синтезатор музыки, m pranc. synthétiseur de musique, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
music synthesizer — also called electronic sound synthesizer machine that electronically generates and modifies sounds, frequently with the use of a digital computer. Synthesizers are used for the composition of electronic music and in live performance.… … Universalium
Coupland Digital Music Synthesizer — The Coupland Digital Music Synthesizer is a 16 voice polyphonic real time instrument with a full 88 key keyboard, introduced in the 1970’s. The idea was first conceived and the basic concepts invented in 1973 by Rick Coupland and John Moore, old… … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — Ein Micromoog Klassifikation Elektrophon Tonumfang gesamter Hörbereich verwandte Instrumente Software Synthesizer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Music technology — is a term that refers to all forms of Technology involved with the musical arts, particularly the use of electronic devices and computer software to facilitate playback, recording, composition, storage, and performance. This subject is taught at… … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — For other uses, see Synthesizer (disambiguation). Synth redirects here. For other uses, see Synth (disambiguation). See also: Software synthesizer Early Minimoog by R.A. Moog Inc. (ca. 1970) A synthesizer (often abbreviated synth ) is an… … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — Sỵn|the|si|zer 〈[ saızə(r)] m. 3; Mus.〉 Gerät zur Erzeugung verschiedenartiger, künstlicher Töne mittels elektronischer Schaltungen, das in fast allen neuen Musikstilen der 1980er u. 1990er Jahre Anwendung findet [zu engl. synthesize „verbinden … Universal-Lexikon
music synthesiser — /mjuzɪk ˈsɪnθəsaɪzə/ (say myoohzik sinthuhsuyzuh) noun → synthesiser (def. 2). Also, music synthesizer …
Music of My Mind — Studio album by Stevie Wonder Released March 3, 1972 … Wikipedia