- photoelectric cell
- G R Carey
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
photoelectric cell — ► NOUN ▪ a device using a photoelectric effect to generate current … English terms dictionary
photoelectric cell — n 1.) an electronic instrument that changes light into electricity 2.) an electronic instrument that uses light to start an electrical effect, often used in ↑burglar alarms … Dictionary of contemporary English
photoelectric cell — ☆ photoelectric cell n. a photodetector that regulates or produces a current or voltage in response to certain types of radiation, esp. visible light: typically incorporated in an electric circuit and used in mechanical devices as to open doors,… … English World dictionary
photoelectric cell — UK [ˌfəʊtəʊɪˌlektrɪk ˈsel] / US [ˌfoʊtoʊɪˌlektrɪk ˈsel] noun [countable] Word forms photoelectric cell : singular photoelectric cell plural photoelectric cells 1) a piece of equipment that reacts to light and is used in machines such as burglar… … English dictionary
photoelectric cell — fotoelementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. photocell; photoelectric cell; photoelement vok. Fotozelle, f; lichtelektrische Zelle, f; Photoelement, n; Photozelle, f rus. фотоэлемент, m pranc. cellule photo électrique, f; élément … Automatikos terminų žodynas
photoelectric cell — fotoelementas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Prietaisas, kuris optinės spinduliuotės veikiamas sukuria elektros srovę. atitikmenys: angl. photocell; photoelectric cell rus. фотоэлемент … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
photoelectric cell — fotoelementas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. photocell; photoelectric cell vok. lichtelektrische Zelle, f; Photoelement, n; Photozelle, f rus. фотоэлемент, m pranc. cellule photo électrique, f; photocellule, f; photopile, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
photoelectric cell — noun a device using a photoelectric effect to generate current … English new terms dictionary
photoelectric cell — /ˌfoʊtoʊəˌlɛktrɪk ˈsɛl/ (say .fohtohuh.lektrik sel) noun a device used for the detection of light. Its operation may depend on the photoelectric effect (def. 1) or the photovoltaic effect. Also, photocell …
photoelectric cell — noun a transducer used to detect and measure light and other radiations • Syn: ↑photoconductive cell, ↑photocell, ↑electric eye, ↑magic eye • Hypernyms: ↑transducer, ↑detector, ↑sensor, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
photoelectric cell — pho|to|e|lec|tric cell [ ,foutouı,lektrık sel ] noun count 1. ) a piece of equipment that reacts to light and is used in machines such as BURGLAR ALARMS (=machines that make a loud noise if a thief tries to get into a building) 2. ) a piece of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English