- craniosacral therapy
- William Sutherland
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
Inventors, Inventions . 2014.
Craniosacral therapy — Still point redirects here. For the novel, see The Still Point. Craniosacral therapy (also called CST, also spelled Cranial Sacral bodywork or therapy) is an alternative medicine therapy used by osteopaths, massage therapists, naturopaths, and… … Wikipedia
craniosacral therapy — a system of manipulation by light touch whose purpose is to facilitate the body s self healing capacity by finding and correcting cerebrospinal fluid blockages and imbalances within the craniosacral system (the dura mater of the central nervous… … Medical dictionary
craniosacral therapy — crāniosacˈral therapy noun An alternative therapy involving gentle manipulation of the bones and membranes of the skull, in order to treat a wide range of physical and psychological disorders (abbrev CST) • • • Main Entry: ↑cranium … Useful english dictionary
craniosacral therapy — noun Date: 1986 a system of gentle touch designed to enhance the functioning of the membranes, tissues, fluids, and bones surrounding or associated with the brain and spinal cord … New Collegiate Dictionary
craniosacral therapy — [ˌkreɪnɪəʊ seɪkr(ə)l, sak ] noun a system of alternative medicine intended to relieve pain and tension by gentle manipulations of the skull … English new terms dictionary
Polarity therapy — is a holistic health system developed by Randolph Stone. Proponents believe that healing can be achieved through manipulation of what they describe as complementary (or polarized ) forces, and the term Stone borrowed from Chinese philosophy to… … Wikipedia
William Sutherland — craniosacral therapy … Inventors, Inventions
Autism therapies — A three year old with autism points to fish in an aquarium, as part of an experiment on the effect of intensive shared attention training on language development.[1] Autism therapies attempt to lessen the deficits and … Wikipedia
Cranio-Sacral-Therapie — Die Cranio Sacral Therapie (von englisch cranio sacral therapy: „Schädel Kreuzbein Therapie“, auch Kraniosakraltherapie oder kraniosakrale Osteopathie) ist eine alternativmedizinische Behandlungsform, die sich aus der Osteopathie entwickelt hat.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CranioSacraltherapie — Die Cranio Sacral Therapie (von englisch cranio sacral therapy: „Schädel Kreuzbein Therapie“, auch Kraniosakraltherapie) ist eine alternativmedizinische Behandlungsform, die sich aus der Osteopathie entwickelt hat. Es ist ein manuelles Verfahren … Deutsch Wikipedia